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Year 5

What does learning in year 5 look like? 

As children enter year 5 and move into Upper Key Stage Two, we are keen to develop their ability to become confident, independent learners. This is reflected in the children’s use of ‘knowledge organisers’, which set out the key knowledge, skills, vocabulary and information that are needed to support learning for each unit of work. These are readily available in the classroom for children to refer to. One example of how knowledge organisers might be used would be in a piece of comparative writing in Geography. In order to outline similarities and differences between Manaus and Bournemouth, they would know to access key facts and vocabulary from the relevant knowledge organisers. This would support them in presenting their ideas and producing their best writing. In year 5, it is also important that children begin to know themselves as learners. Being able to identify their strengths as well as areas they need more support in, enables them to evaluate the effectiveness of their own learning, and plan how to improve.  

In addition to this, we understand the importance of retaining knowledge that has been learnt in previous days, weeks, terms and years. We therefore provide plenty of opportunity for children to practise and develop existing skills and knowledge. Most lessons begin with a retrieval activity. An example of this would be starting a Science lesson with a ‘Speak Like an Expert’ activity. Here, points can be earnt by using correct terminology when talking to a partner about a given topic – such as Space. Quick quizzes can also aid rapid recall of key facts, terminology and dates.  We actively promote collaborative learning, and habitually rehearse answers with a partner before sharing with the class. Alongside our written work, we develop speech and language skills through drama, discussion and presentation. An example of this would be sharing a project with the class about the similarities and differences between the ancient Maya and Egyptian civilisations.  

Why we enjoy learning in year 5?

Ben  'I enjoy geography because I like comparing places and using maps and atlases to locate both human and physical geographical features. I really enjoy practical projects, like when we made bridges on our application day, because I got to work with friends in my class and learnt lots of new skills.'

Georgie  'I really enjoy our hubs because I get to be challenged to improve both my English and maths skills. Our teachers make the lessons fun – I always look forward to history because it is my favourite subject; it is always fascinating to learn about people from the past and how they used to do things then.'

Curriculum Evening

curriculum evening1 y5.pdf



Termly Curriculum Statement

Spring Term Curriculum Statement

Half Termly Home Learning 

Spring 1 Home Learning