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Year 3

What does learning in year 3 look like?

Year 3 is an exciting year as it is the first year of Key Stage 2. The children are becoming older and are developing their independence alongside their maturity. They gain greater insight into what they learnt in Year 2 and start to learn some exciting new things as well.

In Reading the focus shifts from retrieval to a better understanding of inference and the unpicking of vocabulary choices in a text. The children start to plan their writing with an  awareness of genre, the audience they are writing for and different styles of writing. There  is more emphasis on spelling and the children learn the statutory year 3 and 4 spellings and use these words in their writing. Children should be writing in cursive in all subject areas and will begin to refine the neatness of their handwriting. In grammar children are encouraged to use the correct punctuation and tenses in their writing.

The children begin to use column addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers, as well as learning more about multiplication and division using their knowledge of times tables. They also learn about fractions of quantities, equivalent fractions, measurement, time, angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, perimeter, and shape.

Science in Year 3 is engaging and fun. The children learn about life processes, rocks, light, forces, magnets and animals (including humans).  They are encouraged to think scientifically, using predictions, methods, results and conclusions. In History they will learn about the Egyptians and the Stone Age through to the Iron Age.

Children start to learn to play the recorder in Music and are introduced to musical notation. In Geography the children continue to look at human and physical features. Computing is really exciting with coding, simulations and digital literacy. They develop their sketching and painting skills in Art. In Design and Technology, they look at light, simple mechanics and sculpture. PE is always a favourite; the children do gymnastics, swimming, Kwik cricket, football, tennis, rounders and dance. In RE we delve deeper into the symbolism and meaning of different Christian and Hindu celebrations and beliefs.

Why we enjoy learning in year 3?

Eden 'I love learning about the Stone Age in History and then writing my own Stone Age adventure in English.'

James 'I enjoyed learning about different sketching techniques and then using them in my Art. I love playing the simulation games in Computing.'

Sophia 'I like learning about different religions in RE and finding out more about other people’s lives. In Science I have enjoyed learning about light sources and reflectors. In D and T I like learning about mechanics because you learn new skills.'

Mayra 'I like learning to play the recorder. I also love learning new things in swimming and gymnastics because it is fun.'

Curriculum Evening

y3 curriculum evening.pdf



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