Year 1
What does learning in year 1 look like?
The jump from Reception to Year 1 can feel like a big step but we try to ensure that the transition is a smooth one. The children will still be learning through play, they will still be exploring, discovering and working together. However, our day is slightly more structured with more time spent on tasks a teacher has directed them to. We will still be learning in a variety of ways; while moving, exploring outdoors, in groups, on the carpet or walking around the school! As we leave the EYFS behind this will be their first year of the National Curriculum and, like all year groups, Year 1 has government statutory schemes of learning to follow.
Phonics is a big part of Year 1. We will undertake phonics learning each day, just like Reception. Children learn tricky words, spelling rules and how to sound out and blend to aid them with their reading and writing. Phonics will be formally assessed towards the end of the academic year in the governments phonics screen.
We learn through a variety of topics and stories. Children plan and write their own wonderful creative stories, design posters, leaflets and create factfiles. They will learn to write in sentences and to use exciting language — all while improving their handwriting.
In Maths we have plenty of hands-on activities. We now work with numbers to 100.
There are a wide range of topics covered in Year 1, and your child will undoubtedly have their personal favourites. Some of the Year 1 activities include:
- experiments (science) and product design (DT)
- learning the history of things (history) and about the local area we live in (geography)
- dancing, playing games and using gym apparatus (PE)
- painting, drawing and more creative processes (art)
They will also develop their social skills and empathy for each other during RE and circle times. Year 1 is an important year for increasing independence.
Why we enjoy learning in year 1?
Lana - 'I like doing maths because I like to do maths outside and learning numbers up to 50! I liked learning about Easter and why Jesus died in the cross and I liked making Easter artwork in Let’s Learn.'
Jude – 'I really like phonics and the books that we read in guided reading especially non-fiction books. Learning about Grace Darling was good because it was interesting and I liked learning about lighthouses and reading The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch.'
PHONICS Parents Evening
parents phonics meeting march 25 2 .pdf
Curriculum Evening
Termly Curriculum Statement
Spring Term Curriculum Statement
Half Termly Home Learning