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Welcome to our school

On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors to our Church School serving the community of Moordown and Parish of St. John’s, may we extend a warm welcome to Moordown St. John’s Church of England Primary School.


We hope you find our website interesting, informative and above all, we hope you begin to get a taste of life at Moordown St. Johns Church of England Primary School.  One of our key aims is ‘partnership’ and it is therefore vital that our pupils’ parents regard Moordown St. John’s as ‘their’ school. The closer the partnership formed between home and school, the more we are able to further your child’s education.

We are very proud of our school and the progress, achievements, well-being and contentment of our pupils is paramount to us. We aim for every child to reach their full potential and to leave Moordown St. John’s equipped as life-long learners eager to enjoy life, love learning, take responsibility as citizens and be ambitious in all they do.

During their journey with us, we aim to equip our pupils with the skills that they will need to flourish; to make the best of opportunities and to be able to positively contribute to society.

If you would like to visit in person you are always very welcome. We look forward to meeting you.

Mr Paul Ruffle
