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Religious Education

Our RE curriculum is designed, using Discovery and Understanding Christianity, to give children an appreciation and understanding of core Christian concepts, other major religions of the world and a non-world religion (Humanism). Where possible, our RE curriculum makes links between religions studied and Global Neighbours through cross curricular links.

Intent: What we expect children to learn

Through RE we aim to enable pupils to know about and understand Christianity as a living world faith, by exploring core theological concepts and to develop knowledge and skills in making sense of biblical texts and understanding their impact in the lives of Christians. We also aim to develop a knowledge and meaningful understanding of other world faiths particularly those represented in the UK and how religious beliefs shape our lives and our behaviour, develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance our spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We also look at a non-world religion in year 6, which is Humanism.

As a Church of England school, Religious Education plays an important role, along with all other curriculum areas, particularly PSHE and the teaching of British Values, in promoting the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of our children.

Implementation: How we teach the subject

RE skills are taught and developed through the units of work. Through a spiral curriculum, each year group studies Christianity and one other main world religion. Learning is embedded by making links between previous and current learning and different religions to create connections between knowledge. Lessons are designed to be as interactive and engaging as possible making links between new knowledge and children’s own experiences. Children will also be given experiences through educational visits and guest speakers to bring learning to life.  Children are encouraged to ask questions to develop their thinking and learning.

Impact: How we evaluate the knowledge and skills they have learned  

Through an engaging and exciting RE curriculum, all children will make progress and develop their skills and knowledge. At the end of each unit teachers assess their learning through an assessment task. By the end of their primary education, pupils will be able to use the following skills:

  • Investigation – this includes: asking relevant questions; knowing how to use a variety of sources in order to gather information.
  • Interpretation – this includes: the ability to draw meaning from artefacts, works of art, poetry and symbolism; the ability to interpret religious language.
  • Reflection – this includes: the ability to reflect on feelings, experience, attitudes, beliefs, values, relationships, practices and ultimate questions.
  • Empathy – this includes: the ability to consider the thoughts, feelings, experiences, attitudes, beliefs and values of others

Children are assessed in a variety of ways allowing them to demonstrate their knowledge and overcome barriers to learning, such as difficulties with reading and writing.

Progression Map:

Religious Curriculum Overview


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Understanding Christianity – Creation

Understanding Christianity – Creation

Discovery – What did Jesus teach


Discovery – Diwali


Discovery – Beliefs and practices

Discovery – belief into action

Discovery – beliefs and practices

Understanding Christianity – Incarnation -


Understanding Christianity – Incarnation -


Understanding Christianity – Gospels


Understanding Christianity  – Incarnation

Understanding Christianity  – People of God


Understanding Christianity – Incarnation

Understanding Christianity – Gospels


Discovery – celebrations


Discovery – Jesus as a friend


Discovery – Prayer at home


Understanding Christianity – creation/fall


Discovery - Passover

Discovery - Beliefs and moral practices

Understanding Christianity – Creation/Humanism

Understanding Christianity – Salvation


Understanding Christianity – Salvation


Understanding Christianity – God


Understanding Christianity – Salvation


Understanding Christianity - Easter

Understanding Christianity – Salvation


Understanding Christianity – Salvation


Discovery – Stories from different religions.


Discovery – Shabbat


Discovery – Community and belonging


Discovery – Hindu beliefs

Discovery - Rites of passage and good work

Discovery - Prayer and worship

Discovery – beliefs and moral values

Discovery – Special places

Discovery – Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


Discovery – Hajj


Discovery  -Pilgrimage to the river Ganges

Understanding Christianity - Kingdom of God

Understanding Christianity – God


Discovery – beliefs and moral values


World religion - Judaism

World religion - Islam

World religion – Hindu traditions

World religion - Judaism

World religion – Sikh traditions

World religion - Islam