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Physical Education

Our PE teaching aims to aspire all children to ‘be the best me’ through a broad and balanced curriculum, which provides rich learning opportunities to develop subject knowledge alongside fundamental skills. In PE we seek to ensure that by the end of Year 6 all children are physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

Intent: What we expect children to learn

Through our PE curriculum we intend to deliver a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Our PE scheme supports our teaching and provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Children will develop physical skills with increased control and co-ordination. They will recognise how their bodies feel during exercise and understand the importance of warming up and cooling down and how exercise enhances health and wellbeing. During PE lessons children will learn to work co-operatively, competitively and as part of a team; all skills to equip them for their futures.

Implementation: How we teach the subject

PE skills are embedded within every year groups throughout the school. Teachers plan engaging and progressive lesson that draw upon previous learning and where possible cross-curricular links. Each year group has various indoor and outdoor units of learning that show progression through the unit and year groups. Dance, athletics, gymnastics, games, swimming and water safety are all taught progressively through the school. All year groups aim to teach two hours of physical activity each week during PE lessons, Active Me sessions, swimming lessons and directed playtimes activities.

Impact: How we evaluate the knowledge and skills they have learned  

Through our engaging and motivating PE curriculum, all pupils will make progress and develop their coordination, become physically confident and develop physical skills with increased control. By the end of primary school children will be able to:

  • use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
  • play competitive games, modified where appropriate and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
  • develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
  • perform dances using a range of movement patterns
  • take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
  • compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
  • swim competitively and proficiently for at least 25m
  • use a range of strokes effectively
  • perform self-rescue in different water-based situations

We use a variety of strategies to evaluate the skills and understanding that our children have gained in each unit, these include:

  • frequent use of formative assessment to inform teaching
  • using flashback to assess the retention of previous learning
  • regular feedback and pupil questioning to identify next steps
  • teachers will assess pupils as Emerging, Working Towards, Working at Year Group Expectations or Working at Greater Depth within each unit
  • subject monitoring including observations, discussions with teachers and speaking to pupils

Progression Map:


PE progression map



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Experiment with shapes, jumps and rolls.

Perform shapes, jumps and rolls.

Perform  shapes, jumps and rolls to create a sequence.

Perform shapes, jumps, rolls and hops to create a sequence including moving across mats and apparatus.

Perform shapes, jumps, rolls and hops to create a sequence including moving across mats and apparatus using control and pointed toes.

Perform complex shapes, jumps, rolls and hops to create a sequence including moving across mats, apparatus and spring boards using control and pointed toes.

Perform complex shapes, jumps, rolls and hops with flexibility to create a sequence including moving across mats, apparatus and spring boards using control and pointed toes.  Compete against others.


Experiment moving to happy and sad music at different levels.

Perform different dance moves at various levels and travel between moves.

Remember and perform simple dance moves with expression and control.

Collaborate to make a simple dance routine with a partner and in a group using mirroring and different levels and pathways.

Co-operate to create a warm up and dance routine in unison and canon with a partner and in a group showing leadership.

Co-operate to create a warm up and dance routine in unison and keeping time with a partner and in a group demonstrating control and fluency.

Co-operate to create a warm up and dance routine in unison and keeping time with good rhythm and timing demonstrating good timing, energy and strength.


Begin to throw and catch a ball to self and balance beanbags on rackets.

Begin to throw and catch a ball to a partner and balance a ball on a racket. Hold racket in forehand and backhand.

Throw and catch a ball to a partner and balance a ball on a racket. Move a ball using forehand and backhand.

Move to catch a ball and use forehand and backhand to hit a ball across the floor.

Move to catch a ball and balance and bounce a ball with racket when moving. Hit ball using forehand

and backhand with a dropfeed. Hit a ball at a target with no bounce.

Move to hit a ball using forehand and backhand in practise and games showing control and accuracy.

Serve diagonally using underarm and overarm.

Move in a variety of directions to hit a ball using forehand and backhand in practise and games showing control and accuracy. Decide which shot is the best and demonstrate using it in a game of mini tennis.


March and run for co-ordination. Experiment with jumping and throwing.

Run at various speeds and throw with some accuracy.  Be competitive when jumping and improve distance.

Explore running patterns and throw using correct stance.  Use arms to better jumping technique and compete in a team and improve team performance.

Begin to use FAST technique and throw a javelin or vortex. Begin to perform hop, skip and jump in isolation. Develop relay change over and begin to run distance.

Use FAST technique and throw a javelin or vortex. Perform standing long jump, increase distance when running, pass a relay baton and jump hurdles.

Change direction quickly and throw a javelin and shotput with height and distance.  Perform and measure various jumps and use pace when running and precision when passing a baton.

Change direction quickly in timed races and throw a javelin and shotput with power.  Perform and measure various jumps making improvements for a PB. and use pace when running and precision when passing a baton in competitive situations.

Kwik Cricket

Roll and stop a ball. Push a ball and pass objects.

Roll and stop a ball and throw and catch a ball.  Hit a ball off a tee and begin to play a modified game.

Roll and stop a ball with some accuracy. Throw and bowl underarm towards a target. Begin to hold bat correctly and play a modified game.

Roll and stop the ball with one hand and long barrier.  Throw and catch underarm.  Bowl at a wicket underarm and attempt overarm.  Control a bat a play a batting a fielding game.

Roll a ball with one hand and stop a ball from different directions using long barrier. Throw and catch under pressure in games and bowl at a wicket with accuracy.  Hit a drop fed ball with a bat.

Begin fielding techniques and scooping the ball.  Throw over and underarm and catch over various distances.  Bowl towards a wicket. Hit a moving ball. Communicate and collaborate as a team.

Positioning in a game. Make correct decisions with types of throw and move body to catch a ball. Bowl over and underarm at a wicket with a batter at speed with control.  Play tactically. Use a variety of tactics in a game.


Begin to star float on front and back with armbands. Kick legs on front and back with armbands and jump in the pool.

Star float on front and back and mushroom float with armbands. Use long arms for front and back crawl and put face in the water.  Star float for 5 seconds and fully submerge.

Front crawl and back stroke without armbands and some technique.  Breast stroke arms and tread water.  Star float for longer and swim a length with noodle.

Begin to swim lengths with all strokes.  Swim 25 meters using 1 stroke.  Huddle in water and tread water for 30 seconds. Jump in and float and learn reach rescue technique.

Attempt to swim a length showing 2 techniques. Explain importance of huddling and treading water.  Demonstrate reach rescue.

Swim a length showing all techniques. Explain importance of huddling and treading water and demonstrate each.  Demonstrate reach rescue and swim in clothes.

Swim 25 meters showing all techniques. Demonstrate rescue techniques and explain the advantage of each.  Demonstrate reach rescue and swim in clothes.

Indoor Athletics

Experiment with different ways of throwing under/overarm Jump forwards and backward, sideways over a throw down spot. Experiment with different ways of jumping over objects. Leap over objects Skip around an area. Hop around an area, and over throw down spots, strips. Move around safely, negotiating space and looking out for friends.

Throw using a sitting chest push. Jump competitively for distance and speed bounce/jump over a strip. Leap developing co-ordination Skip.

Co-operate and compete on own and in a team in various running games

Throw with control using a sitting chest push Use arms to improve jumping technique. Speed bounce over a cone/mat Leap developing co-ordination of 3 big leaps. Skip by stepping

/jumping through the hoop.  Compete in a team in various running races and working together to improve team performance

Chest push using correct stance Jump with bent knees and use arms for distance and height. Speed bounce develop control over a mat 5 strides- co-ordinating steps with arms.  Skip with control and head up. Running individually using FAST technique, and developing relay change over techniques

Chest push with height and distance Jump with bent knees, use arms for distance measure with some accuracy. Vertical jump in to squat position with feet hip width apart. Speed bounce- increase speed and coordination over the speed bounce mat 5 strides- co-ordinating steps, increasing distance using arms Skip – with rhythm and focus. Run and jump over hurdles with some speed and control

Chest push with bent knees with good height and distance. Perform a variety of standing jumps (Long jump and triple jump) and measure for distance Jump vertically using arm swing movement to increase height. Speed bounce developing good rhythm and control over the speed bounce mat 5 strides- co-ordinating steps, bounding creating a longer stride Skip with rhythm aiming to get 25 skips or more.

Chest push with accuracy and power with bent knees through to feet, extends arms to increase distance. Perform a triple jump for distance with different techniques.  Jump vertically pushing into ground lift with an explosive movement up focus on landing softly- keep core engaged. Speed bounce with speed, fluency and rhythm 5 strides- improve starting position. Skip with speed (30 skips or more)