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Sports Day 2023

KS2 sports day was again at Winton and Glenmoor school where the children competed in their colour teams during the morning. Beanbags were flying, children were running and cones were flipped all to keep the children moving and to earn points for their colour teams. By the end of the morning children were ready for lunch which was enjoyed with friends and families. Thank you to all those who could come and join us. The afternoon saw competitive races for the children. 100m sprint, bouncer hopper race, egg and spoon race and skipping races were enjoyed by all. Well done to those children who took part and showed real perseverance and sportsmanship – a great way to represent your colour team. A huge thank you to Winton and Glenmoor for hosting us and to the amazing Year 9 pupils who assisted us throughout the day.

At the end of the day points were added up and after adding on fair play points red team were victorious. Well done Red Team.


We also hosted our EYFS and KS1 sports afternoon.

The children had a wonderful afternoon full of howler throwing, bouncy hopping, hurdle jumping and hockey ball dribbling. Children again showed super teamwork and perseverance.

The races were a chance for children to show how quickly they can run and all children took part graciously and showed excellent sportsmanship. Well done to all who took part.

Thank you to friends and family who came and showed their support it made for a real community feel to our day.



A final big thank you to the amazing Year 6 bronze ambassadors who supported us throughout the afternoon – what we have done without you?

Also a big thanks to the PFA for supporting these and to all the spectators who came to cheer children on. We are already looking forward to next year’s sports day.





Sports Day 2023