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Curriculum Overview

Our Curriculum Rationale

 At MSJ, we have put knowledge at the heart of our curriculum. This is not   knowledge in isolation, instead it is a web which enables pupils to learn and   develop their skills. Our curriculum recognises that knowledge and skills are   linked because we understand that a skill is a performance built on   knowledge.

 We strive for excellence across the whole Curriculum and recognise that   each subject is unique. We consider the knowledge, skills and attitudes that   are required to achieve a well-rounded understanding of each subject.

Subject Leaders and Teachers plan backwards to ensure that pupils in every year group receive a coherent and intellectually sequenced curriculum that builds on what has come before.

Our curriculum embraces learning from cognitive science about memory, forgetting and the power of retrieval. Our curriculum is not simply a set of encounters; it is designed to be stored in our pupils’ long-term memories so that it can be later built on to recognise the inter-connectivity of learning.

Our Curriculum Intent

  • To provide a rich and varied curriculum which has its roots based on our school Christian ethos of the Fruit of the Spirit and underpinned by our Christian faith. As well as validating our school values of promoting the BLOSSOMING-BEST ME at MSJ.
  • To deliver an ambitious, aspirational curriculum which is well planned and that meets the needs of all our pupils.
  • To provide an engaging curriculum which is planned sequentially, allowing children to build on previous learning and securing firm foundations for the future.
  • To promote a sense of community for the children and enable them to recognise their significance to the wider community.
  • We recognise the importance of children having a wider global perspective and sense of responsibility as citizens and leaders of the future.

Blossoming Best Charter


Teachers will be supported to develop good subject knowledge and to continually improve this knowledge through training, observing best practice and undertaking relevant research

  • Subject leaders will provide colleagues with support for planning, resourcing and teaching
  • The broad curriculum offers ambitious opportunities to learn a wide range of subjects to inspire and motivate all children.
  • Each subject has an underpinning statement of value.
  • There is an agreed vision for progress through the curriculum for each subject.
  • There is a consistent approach to the way a subject is taught.
  • We recognise that consistency leads to progression. Lessons will incorporate a range of learning strategies which will enable all pupils to develop their knowledge and skills and make links, across, between and within subjects and concepts.
  • Learning within lessons will be broken down into manageable ‘chunks’ to enable all children to access the learning and build links across the curriculum into well-developed schemas.
  • The school curriculum will be planned to ensure that teaching is sequential with the teacher ensuring that knowledge and skills are learnt in a logical and progressive order.
  • Lessons reflect the needs of all pupils with appropriate levels of challenge including the more-able and those with SEND.
  • There are rich, structured talking opportunities to develop children’s vocabulary.
  • The curriculum is underpinned with high quality reading opportunities.
  • Reading is taught effectively, and children are encouraged to read texts where there are unfamiliar words to develop their reading and comprehension skills.
  • Our curriculum in EYFS is tailored to the children and their experiences. We look at the key skills that we would like the children to learn in EYFS; plan activities that we can first model these skills to the children. We then look at activities/topics that will enable the children to show their learning independently.


The impact of our curriculum is evaluated through a range of teacher assessments; working collaboratively with the Governing body; through our monitoring of Teaching and Learning; listening to the Pupil Voice and statutory assessments.

  • All children achieve well by developing knowledge and skills in their journey through school.
  • Through our Christian ethos and Blossoming-BEST ME values, children are supported to thrive.
  • Children with SEND are monitored by staff and Governors.
  • Children leave MSJ prepared for their transition into the next phase in their education.
  • Children demonstrate an inclusive attitude and have a sense of their responsibilities and role in the wider society.
  • Children make good progress from their starting points academically, emotionally, spiritually, creatively, socially and physically.



To find out more about our curriculum, please contact a member of the senior leadership team via the school office:

Information about how our curriculum complies with the Equality Act (2010) can be found in our Equality Policy.

How our curriculum is made accessible for those with disabilities or SEN, can be found in our SEN Policy and Inclusion Policy.