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What does learning in EYFS look like?

We recognise in EYFS that your child starting school can be an emotional one and to ensure a smooth transition from preschools and nursery we have meetings with parents to ensure they are informed and reassured about their child’s start to the school. We also have a short period of part time (1 and ½ weeks) which enables us to get to know your child in a smaller group and also for your child to learn the routines of the day with support.

In EYFS we have a curriculum that is based on experiences and topics which engage the children. Some of the children’s favourites are:

  • Fairy tales and nursery rhymes which includes a trip to the library and a dress up day!
  • Knights and castles
  • Are we nearly there yet which includes a trip on an aeroplane in the classroom, making pizza and learning about Italy, Australia, Paris and London!

At the start of the year children will have adult led activities or activities which are chosen by adults to encourage the learning of key skills so that as the year progresses more child initiated learning happens using the skills that they have learnt.

All areas of the EYFS curriculum are planned for to ensure that there is a broad, balanced and progressive learning environment and curriculum. The children will learn new skills, acquire new knowledge through the seven areas in the EYFS curriculum:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal social and emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding of the world
  • Expressive arts and design

Our learning environment is a key part of our learning in EYFS and we have opportunities to learn outside and inside. We have two learning areas outside: our upper learning garden has equipment which is accessible to the children to develop their learning and a lower garden which encourages physical skills and a mud kitchen. Inside equipment is clearly labelled so that children can access it independently.

Learning is recorded through pictures and observations by staff in EYFS and this helps them progress in their learning. These are collected in learning journeys and these learning journeys go home at the end of the year to share with parents.

Learning to read and phonics is a key part of reception and from the time that children start full time in EYFS they are learning phonics and reading. We ensure that phonics sounds are sent home for children to learn with their grown-ups at home. By the end of reception children will have learnt all the phase 2 and phase 3 sounds.

In maths we develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10 including subitising (recognising amounts without counting), odd and even numbers, number bonds to 10 and adding and subtraction. We also look at shapes, measure and patterns.

We encourage the children to write by mark making, learning how to form letters, to writing words and sentences. Through all our topics children are encourage to write in guided and independent tasks.

We also develop independence though a variety of skills and activities, we also develop empathy for each other during RE and PSHE.

Why we enjoy learning in EYFS?

 Quotes from children

Amelia  'I enjoy Reception because I like reading and colouring'.

Everly  'I enjoy Reception because it makes me happy.  I like being with my friends and making things'.


 Curriculum Evening


yr curriculum evening 2024.pdf


 Termly Curriculum Statement

Spring Term Curriculum Statement

Termly Home Learning

Spring 1 Home Learning