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Sports Round Up - Autumn 2023

A great term for sport at Moordown St John’s. PE lessons have shown children learning new skills, or improving on those already learnt, in tennis, netball, cricket, dance and gymnastics. Years 1 and 5 have been fortunate to have the skills of Louis from Dorset Cricket Board. In his weekly sessions, he has taught children the skills needed to play cricket as well as some new cricket-based games. Teachers and children had great fun at the same time as refining their skills.

Year 5 and 6 bronze ambassadors took part in an event at Bourne Academy where they worked with various other schools to learn games and activities that they have brought back to school to facilitate at playtimes with key stage 1. Thank you for your support.

Football clubs have returned during lunchtimes which has given many children the opportunity to learn a new sport or to build upon previous skills. The children who have represented the school football should be incredibly proud of themselves. As always, they showed excellent sportsmanship, respect and teamwork. Well done. After the Christmas break, lunchtime football clubs will continue and there will be further opportunities for matches and tournaments.

Our year 5 and 6 netball club has proved to be a roaring success. Thanks to our expert teachers (Mrs McGuire and Miss Molyneux) the children are match ready and looking forward to some games in the new year. Please look out on WisePay if you would like to sign your child up for next half term.

Other after school sports clubs will also continue so please watch out for more information after Christmas.

It has been a pleasure to welcome Mrs Trotman and Ms Meharg who have joined our team this month as swimming teachers. Many of you will have already signed up for the swimming school and we are excited to see this launch in January along with re-establishing school swimming lessons for key stage 2.