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Head Teacher's Office Art Competition

In the Autumn Term, Mrs Angiolini and Mr Grinsted set the children of Moordown St John’s a creative challenge. Tired of looking at the dull, white walls in their office, they asked them to produce some art work to brighten up their working environment.

There were six themes to choose from: shades of blue, humour, a beach scene, fruit of the spirit, a school/church sketch and monochrome.

The children certainly rose to the challenge. The standard of work was so high that it was an extremely difficult task to select winners from each year group.

Finally, Mrs Angiolini and Mr Grinsted made their choices and the winning designs were made into 2D prints which were then framed and hung in the office.
The lucky winners were presented with framed, A2 prints of their work, which they can display at home.

Congratulations to:

Jackson, Isabella, Alex & Jake - YR

Nadia - Y1

Emily - Y2

Alessia - Y3

Andy - Y4

Harry - Y5

Sharvikaa, Eliana & Oliver - Y6