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Football with AFC Bournemouth at Littledown

On Thursday 26 January, eight children from Years 5 and 6 went to the Littledown Centre to participate in a football event organised by coaches from AFC Bournemouth.  After competing a round of several drills and exercises, they played a series of friendly matches against other schools.

All of the children represented MSJ impeccably, demonstrating such fair play and positivity, that they were awarded the fair play trophy by the coaches. A great time was had by all.

Last week representatives from Years 3 and 4 took part in an afternoon of football with AFC Bournemouth at Littledown. After some training with coaches, they moved on to matches against other local schools. 

The afternoon was to celebrate fair play and sportsmanship which our pupils showed in the way they conducted themselves and how they treated each other and those from other schools.  Well done to all involved it was a pleasure to see such polite, kind and respectful children represent our school.