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Black History Week

In school this week we have been learning about Black History and how everyone is different and unique.  We all read Floella Benjamin's story "Coming to England".






In Reception we learnt all about Floella Benjamin and how she came to England.

Ezra & Louie: "We read coming to England, They had to live with everything in the same room".
Lyra: "We are all different, but we play together and are all friends".


In year 1 we have chosen to represent diversity through a setting familiar to the children - the beach.  As the footprints show, we are all different but we all love to paddle!

Vinnie: "All of use are different".
Isla: "It's ok if some people are different and some people are the same".


In year 2 we used our Art skills to sketch hands in different patterns.  We made them all different just like us.  We also painted the national flowers of Britain, which blossom in their own way just like we do!

Lucy: "We made flowers to show which ones represent England, Wales and Scotland".
Theo: "It was because everyone is different and we are learning about Black History".


In year 3 we created a poster about British Values and multicultural Britain.

Scarlett T: "We are all different but we are all people and all different colours".
Ben: "I liked doing the flag because it reminds me of a community".


In year 4, as well as learning about our British Values, we have thought carefully about how the Windrush Generation felt on their arrival to Britain and how and why the British people responded.

Phoebe S: "We got to design the buses using different colours to show
everyone is different".
Bella S: "I liked designing my bus because we got to use different techniques, we showed our differences and that we are all not the same".


In year 5 we have learnt about the Windrush Generation.  We thought about what Carribean people would have packed in their suitcase.  We spoke about British Values and how we celebrate difference.


In year 6 we have been learning about the Windrush Generation and considering what it means to be part of a multicultural Britain.  We decided to design our own Union flags to represent many of the different races living in Britain today.

Sam: "We are making flags to represent the multicultural UK".
Casey & Lottie: "We are making flags about where everyone is from and how it is good that they we are all different".


Black History Week