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Anti-Bullying Week 2024

This week we have been observing Anti-Bullying Week, the theme this year is 'Choose Respect'. On Tuesday 12 November, we wore odd socks to show that we are all different and unique.


The Wellbeing Committee shared the message that our differences should be celebrated and valued because it would not be much fun if we were all the same!

On Wednesday 13 November, the children enjoyed listening to a story with children from other year groups, they discussed how respect was shown in the book and what 'Choosing Respect' looked like to them. 

On Thursday 14 November, in our class worship, some children honoured the theme of 'Choose Respect' by sharing compliments about children in their class.

In our whole school worship on the Friday, each year group shared what respect meant to them and gave some examples of how we can show respect around school.