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Members and Directors

Moordown St John’s Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School became an Academy on 1/12/15, and is now known as Moordown St John’s Church of England Primary School.

Members of the Board of Directors work hard for and on behalf of the school and are committed to providing the highest quality of education for the children who attend Moordown St John’s Church of England Primary School. The Members and Directors work effectively as a team and each bring their own skills on a voluntary basis for the good of the school.


Members for 2023-24

Fr Michael Smith
Mr Robin Foster
Mr David Gordon
Mr Andrew Swain
Mr Simon Cull


Directors for 2023-24

Chair: Mr Andrew Swain (Foundation) 
Vice Chair: Mrs Nina Laing (Foundation)
Mr Paul Ruffle (Headteacher)
Mr Philip Cherrett (Foundation)
Rachael Davis (Co-opted)
Mrs India Farrow (Foundation)
Rev Lorraine Kingsley (Foundation)
Mr James Hall (Co-opted)
Mr David Heckles (Co-opted)
Shelby Mchugh (Foundation)
Mr Jacob Miller (Co-opted)
Miss Helen O’Neile (Foundation)
Mrs Michelle Widdicombe (Co-opted)

Caroline Burn (Clerk to the Directors)

To contact the Board of Directors please email
the Clerk to the Directors
or the Headteacher Paul Ruffle 

Safeguarding Link Director – Michelle Widdicombe


The Appointed Directors for 2023/24



Role Date of Appointment Term of office ends Date stepped down (if applicable) Appointed by
Paul Ruffle Headteacher 01/09/23 n/a
Philip Cherrett Foundation


07/01/28 n/a Academy members
Rachael Davis Parent

05/03/24 04/03/28 n/a Elected by Parents 
India Farrow Foundation 22/11/22 21/11/26 n/a GB/board
Rev Lorraine Kingsley






James Hall






David Heckles Co-opted 30/11/23 29/11/27 n/a GB/board
Nina Laing Foundation 08/01/24 07/01/28 n/a Academy members
Shelby Mchugh Co-opted 21/02/24 20/02/28 n/a GB/board
Jacob Miller Parent  05/03/24 04/03/28 n/a Elected by Parents 
Helen O'Neile Foundation 18/01/23 17/01/27 n/a GB/board
Andrew Swain Foundation 08/01/24 07/01/28 n/a Academy members
Michelle Widdicombe






Members Date of appointment Date stepped down
Simon Cull 28/11/16   Foundation/Trust
Robin Foster 01/12/15   Persons who are appointed by the foundation body or sponsor (if applicable)
David Gordon 07/12/22   Persons who are appointed by the foundation body or sponsor (if applicable)
Fr Michael Smith 01/12/19   Persons who are appointed by the foundation body or sponsor (if applicable)
Andrew Swain 08/01/24   Foundation Trust
Caroline Burn Clerk to the Directors    

Directors Who Resigned in the Previous 12 months
Matthew Brito Foundation 14/06/20 13/06/24 12/04/23 Academy members
Gina Angiolini Acting Headteacher 01/09/22 01/09/23


The Register of Declared Business Interests

Name Business Interests Date Interest Ceased Governance roles in other educational institutions Relationships between members, directors and school staff
Philip Cherrett None declared n/a None n/a
Rachael Davis None declared n/a None Parent of children at MSJ school
India Farrow None declared n/a None n/a
James Hall None declared n/a None

Wife is TA at MSJ and
Co-Chair of school PFA

Parent of 1 child at MSJ

David Heckles None n/a None n/a
Rev Lorraine Kingsley None declared n/a None n/a
Nina Laing Member of casual staff
Husband works for Dulux Decorating Centre
n/a None n/a
Shelby McHugh Employed by The Brilliant Club (Educational Charity) n/a None n/a
Jacob Miller None declared n/a None Parent of 1 child at MSJ
Helen O'Neile None declared n/a None n/a
Paul Ruffle

Trustee Lansdowne Church and Safeguard Lead

Wife teaches at St Walburga's Catholic Primary School

Andrew Swain Boots Pharmacy n/a None n/a
Michelle Widdicombe Parent of 1 child at MSJ

n/a None n/a
Simon Cull Member and Director of BST Bringing Schools Together Trust n/a
Robin Foster Wife employed by MSJ n/a None Married to member of staff
David Gordon None declared n/a None n/a
Reverend Canon Michael Smith Incumbent at Parish of Four Saints n/a

Holy Epiphany School

Coastal Learning Partnership

Andrew Swain Boots Pharmacy n/a


Caroline Burn - Clerk to Directors Clerk to Directors of  Avonwood Primary and Bishop St Aldhelms Primary  n/a n/a
Directors Who Resigned in the Previous 12 Months
Matthew Brito Director Sneezer Media Ltd
Wife Kelly Brito also Director of Sneezer Media Ltd
Parent of 2 children at MSJ
n/a None Wife is TA at MSJ
Gina Angiolini
Director/Trustee of Bournemouth Above and beyond Trust   None  


Record of Attendance at Committee Meetings 2023/24:

Name Finance Full Directors Board AGM
Philip Cherrett 0/3 2/10 0/1
India Farrow 3/3 7/10


James Hall 3/3 9/10 1/1
David Heckles 3/3 8/10 1/1
Nina Laing 3/3 9/10 1/1
Helen O'Neile 2/3 7/10 1/1
Paul Ruffle 3/3 10/10 1/1
Andrew Swain 3/3 10/10 1/1

Michelle Widdicombe

2/3 9/10 0/1

Shelby McHugh

1/3 2/10 0/1

Rachel Davies

1/3 3/10 0/1

Jacob Miller

1/3 2/10 0/1

Lorraine Kingsley

0/3 2/10 0/1
Simon Cull 0/1 - 0/1
Robin Foster 1/1 - 1/1
David Gordon 1/1 - 1/1
Rev Michael Smith 1/1 - 0/1
Andrew Swain 1/1   1/1

Register of Interests 2022-23

Attendance 2022-23