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Lunches and Snacks

Cleverchefs (our Hot School Meals Provider)

From September 2023, our new hot school meals provider will be Cleverchefs.

Cleverchefs Information

How do I order Hot School Meals?

Meals will be ordered through iPay.  

The deadline for ordering will be 23.00 on the Thursday of the week prior to the week in which the meals are required. For example, the deadline for ordering meals for Monday 19 February – Friday 23 February will be 23.00 on Thursday 15 February 2024.  You can order meals for up to 6 weeks at a time, so please remember to log in regularly to order future meals. 

Pupils in Years R, 1 and 2 are entitled to receive free Hot School Meals under the Universal Infant Free school meal initiative. Families on low incomes in other year groups may also be eligible.

A message from Cleverchefs.

“We wish to say hello and introduce ourselves. We are super excited to be the newly appointed catering partner for your school. Providing amazing food is the main focus of our business. We go that extra mile to give our pupils that real ‘wow’ factor in presentation and taste, whilst keeping recognisable food that can be of comfort. 

Cleverchefs was founded in 2015 by Nick Collins, whom you may have seen on ‘Masterchef: The Professionals’ a few years ago.  Brought to life with a dream to produce fun and vibrant food worth talking about to the hospitality sector.

Our ethos is about providing perfection as standard. This means that we promise to use the freshest local ingredients, cooked and served by dedicated professionals, whilst doing our very best to be sustainable in every area of our business.   

We hope that we can bring a new lease of life to the lunchtime and provide dishes that your child will love and talk about when they come home.” 

Cleverchefs Brochure 

Cleverchefs 3 Week Rolling Menu - AUTUMN 2024

How much do Hot School Meals cost?

From 1 January 2024 Families that are not eligible for free meals may order a hot school meal at a cost of £2.95 per child, per day.

What happens if I forget to order meals?

Please note that meals will only be provided to children if they have been ordered online prior to the deadline.
If you do not order a meal for your child, you will need to provide a packed lunch from home.

If you need help with paying for Hot School Meals for your child/children please visit our FREE SCHOOL MEALS page for more information.

 If you prefer you can send your child in with a packed lunch from home.

What should my child’s packed lunch look like?

  • Children need a plastic lunch box, no big rucksacks please!
  • Drinks should be in a sports style top bottle, which the children can drink from. We do not encourage the children to pour their drinks into cups for obvious reasons.
  • No box drinks, as these are sometimes left unfinished and then leak in the lunch boxes.  No fizzy drinks either.
  • We encourage the children to eat all their lunch, so please do not send large amounts of food – you know what your child is capable of eating.
  • We also expect the children to eat savoury food first, then dessert/fruit.
  • Please do not put sweets in the lunch box – this includes Mars and Milky Way but Twix/KitKat/Penguin or similar type biscuits are acceptable.


As you may be aware, several of the children at this school suffer a severe allergic reaction to nuts and/or seeds, which can be life threatening.

Children are very generous and sometimes offer to share their food.  We encourage them not to do this, explaining that some pupils can be very ill if they eat certain foods. In the case of nut and seed allergy we have to be extra vigilant as it is possible for children to suffer an allergic reaction without actually eating such products, mere exposure to nuts and/or seeds being sufficient to cause anaphylactic shock.

It is with this severe reaction in mind that the school is designated a

‘Nut and Seed Free School’.

As you will know the school holds the safety and welfare of all its pupils to be of paramount importance and, to this end, we would appreciate it if parents would refrain from providing nut/seed items (e.g. peanut butter sandwiches) in their children’s snack and lunch boxes. Thanking you, in advance, for your cooperation in this very important matter.


We ask parents to send their child in with a snack to eat mid morning. This should be fresh fruit or vegetable and should be sent separately and placed in the box provided in the classroom.