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SEND and Inclusion

Moordown St John’s Primary school values each child as an individual and believes in the importance of inclusion and equality for all. We aim to provide a safe, nurturing, stimulating learning environment in which all children are encouraged to reach their full potential and make progress. Our Christian ethos is at the heart of our SEND provision and we value the uniqueness of all children.

A child has Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education provision to be made for them. Support is offered to children identified as having SEND in a variety of ways. This will initially be through quality in-class support, then through intervention and finally through specialist one-to-one support when needed.

We recognise that the earlier we identify SEND and provide support, the more successful our children will be. At MSJ, we aim to ensure staff have the knowledge and skills to support all children, including those with SEND. Parents and carers are included in all decisions in the SEN process so we can work together to achieve the best outcome for the child.

If you have any concerns about your child, your first point of contact should always be your child’s class teacher. The school’s SENCO is Miranda O'Gara and she can be contacted through the school office.



Policies – Accessibility, Equality, Inclusion, SEND

SEND information report

BCP local offer      

SENDiass website and leaflet   

SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years