Useful Links

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Should your child be unable to attend school for any reason, you are requested to telephone the school office on 01202 527683 before 08:30 on the first day of absence (a dedicated 24 hour absence reporting extension is available for this purpose) or send a text to 07860 030292. If we are not informed why your child is absent it will be unauthorised.

Diarrhoea and Vomiting

If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea they must stay at home until at least 48 hours after the last episode to prevent spreading any infection to others. Advice taken from NHS Diarrhoea and Sickness page 

Swimming following an episode of diarrhoea

To help minimise the spread of infection and maintain the quality and hygiene of our swimming pool water, children are not permitted to swim for 2 weeks following an episode of diarrhoea.

Contagious Illnesses

Please click on the following link for the guidelines we follow with regards to contagious illnesses and how long your child should be kept home from school.

Guidance Relating to Illness

Medicine Form

If your child needs to have any kind of medicine administered to them during the school day, it must be prescribed from your doctor and you must clearly label the bottle with your child’s name and class. It then must be handed into the school office with a signed consent form that can be downloaded from here:
Parent/Carer Consent form for the administration of medicine/treatment

 All medicines are given at 12pm by a first aider in the School Office.

Cough Drops/Throat Lozenges

Studies have shown that sipping water throughout the day is just as effective with the added bonus of increased hydration. Please do not send your child to school with cough drops/throat lozenges in their pocket/back pack/lunch box as this poses a risk of choking and temptation to share with others.