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Our French curriculum at MSJ is designed to allow pupils to begin to experience something of the culture of our nearest neighbour in mainland Europe, in a way that is meaningful and relevant to them. We also aim to support them to understand the differences and similarities between peoples in our interconnected global world. We aspire to provide all children with the opportunity to begin the journey to gaining the same ‘cultural capital’ (the social and cultural advantages that some people have), found through speaking and understanding second languages, as their peers from all other backgrounds and walks-of-life.

Intent: What we expect children to learn

Our French curriculum aims to lay strong foundations for further learning of foreign languages in Key Stage 3. Children will be taught to understand and communicate in spoken and written French, with a developing command of a range of vocabulary and a sound understanding of some of the basic grammar that underpins the language. Our curriculum and teaching places high value on enjoyment. We want all children to be keen to join in with the learning and feel confident to do so. We aim for all children to develop a positive approach toward learning and using a wider range of languages in the future.

Implementation: How we teach the subject

French is taught across both Key Stages in once-weekly sessions, using a planned approach of revision and applying what has been learned so far. Vocabulary learned previously is revisited and applied to new contexts throughout the year, so that children continually develop their spoken French. This happens both within lessons and within general classroom practise.

In Key Stage 1 teaching and learning focuses around speaking and listening, through enjoying, repeating sounds and words they hear and responding to songs or stories. The youngest children begin their learning journey in the summer term, with saying ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ to each other and their teachers. In Key Stage 2, children learn to read, write and build their knowledge of French grammar alongside speaking and listening. Recall is checked with low-stakes quizzes and conversation and children are challenged to recall correct spelling and accents for key vocabulary as they learn. Teachers make continual, meaningful use of assessment to identify and support the children’s next steps in learning.

Impact: How we evaluate the knowledge and skills they have learned  

Through an engaging and varied curriculum, all children will make progress and develop their skills and knowledge. By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will be able to read and write simple and compound sentences that are grammatically correct and will recognise and respond to content that they have previously learned. Pupils will engage positively with the language, participating in simple spoken conversations. In order to evaluate the knowledge, skills and understanding of each pupil, continuous ongoing teacher assessment, based on verbal interactions, will begin from the outset. The progressive development of skills in reading, writing and grammatical understanding over time, will be evidenced in pupil learning files that move with each pupil from Year 3 to Year 6. Teachers in this key stage will make use of the additional assessment tool available at the end of each of the six units in the programme used, to support their teacher assessment. Teachers record termly judgements in a Foundation Assessment Journal to assess pupils as ‘Emerging’ or ‘Working Towards’ year group expectations, ‘Working At’ year group expectations or working beyond, at ‘Greater Depth.’

Progression Map:


French Curriculum Overview

Speaking and Listening

Speaking and Listening, Writing and Grammar


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Autumn Term



La Famille 
The Family

Basic vocabulary for close family members


Les Quatres Saisons

The Four Seasons

Basic vocabulary


All about me

Greetings, feelings revisited, numbers to 10, your age…

On y va!

All aboard!

Methods of travel, weather, days of the week…

Bon appétit, bonne santé!  Healthy Eating

Extending vocabulary…

Notre école Our school

Revises describing people and develops telling time…


Regarde et écoute

Look and Listen

Basic instruction regarde, écoute


Jour et Nuit

Day and Night


 ça va? bonsoir,



Jeux et Chansons Games and Songs

Counting to 20, favourite games…

L’argent de poche

Pocket Money

Numbers applied, expressing likes/dislikes


Je suis le musician

I am the music man

Musical instruments, composers…

Notre monde

The world around us

Geographical features and revision of weather…


Spring Term


Le Corps

Parts of the Body

Basic body parts La tête, les bras…

La Nourriture


Food items Je fais un sandwich…

On fait la fête Celebrations

Months of the year, birthdays…

Raconte-moi une histoire!

Tell me a story!

Describing, 10s to 100…

En route pour l’école On the way to school

Directions and landmarks, half-past hour

Le passé et le present  Then and now

Landmarks, colour, clothes…


Ça va?

How we are Feeling

Feeling unwell J’ai mal à la tête…

La Famille Fruits

The Fruit family

Common fruit and further words for family…

Portraits Portraits

Describing parts of the body (adjectives), patterns of language…

Vive le sport!

Our sporting lives

Sports, healthy and unhealthy eating…

Scène de plage  Beach Scene

Revision of colour applied to new vocabulary…

Ici et là

Out and about

Giving opinions about leisure and sporting activities, numbers 70-100…

Summer Term

Greeting and Leaving and How we are Feeling

Basic vocabulary Bonjour, au revoir, ça va?

Les Trois Petits Cochons 

Traditional Tale

The Three

Little Pigs



Describing things

Two new animals, size and colour

Les Quatres Amis

The Four Friends

Animals’ colour and movement, il/elle...

Le Carnaval des Animaux

Carnival of the animals

More animals, time to the hour…

Le retour de printemps  The return of spring

Revision of months, weather and colour…

Monter un café

Setting up a café

Recycle and extend familiar language linked to food and drink…

Appreciating Traditional Songs

Frère Jacques,

Old McDonald…

first colours and animals


Qu’est-ce que c’est?

What is it?

Phrase c’est un(e) using prior vocabulary…

Ça Pousse! Growing things!

Common vegetables, likes and dislikes…

Quel temps fait-il?

What’s the weather like?

Temperature and clothing…

Les Planètes  The planets

Developing sentence structure…

Quoi de neuf?  What’s in the news?

Expressing opinions about the media…